Tuesday 17 January 2012

Deconstructing Characters

Antagonist: Dennis Burns
I chose a picture of a flame to represent my antagonist because that is exactly what Dennis Burns looks like. Having the ability to engulf himself in fire makes him look like a giant flame.  His colors are yellow orange and red which is an analogous color scheme.  He is has fiery passion for destruction and his colors reflect that. Dennis is a very outgoing and eccentric person he is known for his comical banter with his nemesis the hero William Evans.  Dennis Burns actions are hard to follow as he changes his mind often but his desire for destruction if the only constant he shows.   
I chose this picture of a blinding light to represent Dennis Burns because his actions and infamy are known throughout the world he occupies. The world is more than aware of his presence but terrified of his existence and the only person capable of stopping him is William Evans. He wants everyone to know who is destroying the world and will not stop at anything until his task is complete. Dennis is understandably the most hated criminal in the world and is the top of every governments wanted list. He is a bright light that the world would want nothing more than to put out.  
I chose a fireball for Dennis Burns's shape because he is an speeding ball of fire ravaging the world with incredible speed. He can travel quite fast and burns up the forest in his wake. He can destroy everything with ease and leaves a smoke trail for miles. People know when he is coming as they see the fire and smoke rising from far away. Dennis Burns is the super villain with unstoppable force and the only difference between him and an actual fireball is he is stopping at nothing to see the world burn. William Evans even doubts how he can stop such a man. 

Protagonist: William Evans

I choose this picture for the color of William Evans because this the rainforest is what he personifies. His colors are many types of green and brown like the rainforest. This is an analogous color scheme which is what Dennis Burns but his colors are on an opposing side to Evans. His colors show his, "going green" aspect his mission is to rebuild the world that Dennis Burns wants to burn. He has the ability to raise nature from nothing and plans on returning the world to its previous beauty. He has a calming presence as his colors reflect his easygoing nature. 


I chose this picture of a shaded canopy for Light of William Evans because he is a mysterious figure. Unlike Dennis Burns, William Evans has a secret identity as a billionaire and philanthropist. He keeps his superpowers secret so Dennis can not target his friends and family. William Evans struggles with his two lives as he is constantly leaving to stop Dennis Burns latest plan for world destruction. The world knows of both William Evans and want the superhero to leave his life of normalcy to take on Dennis Burns full time there in lies the inner-conflict William Evans experiences everyday. 

I chose a picture of a feathered arrow for William Evans shape because he is a fast flying nature embowed object flying to restore nature. His cape that he wears resembles a bird's wing. He has the ability to fly because he can control the air around him. William Evans can create nature about as quickly as Dennis Burns can destroy which is what makes them such strong enemies. William Evans is constantly on the move but he still form time to time stops his constant nature building to plant beautiful designs and give nature its beautiful feel once more. 

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