Thursday, 26 January 2012

Blog Assignment #3

The following blog is made after reading Seth Godin's Brainwashed on

The first layer I want to discuss is Acknowledge the Lizard; the little voice in our head that tells us not to take risks, to not make art. In fear that we will made laughed at a trying and failing. Godin tells us to acknowledge this voice so we can ignore it instead of obeying it. The next layer I want to discuss is Connect. In today's world society is being connected  through the internet, you can share your resume, personal information, and your opinions with the world. You can be discovered for your talents from your very own home. The third layer I want to discuss is Be Generous. Eric Williams has said multiple times that no matter how talented you are, you will not make it (especially in the entertainment industry) if you are not personable. If you give gifts to people you, there is a good chance they will return the favor.

These blogs are certainly beneficial to me as a student, artist and more. Not only do I enjoy these articles but they give me insight into my future career and motivate me to do the best that I can. What really helped me week two blog on finding your howl. It said that if we don't live through our own particular neurotic problems we are destined to repeat an re-create our problems. This spoke to me because I myself am particularly self conscious and suffer from OCD and social anxiety. I find this as a large burden but I can not let it stop me from trying everything I can to becoming successful in life. This article by Seth Godin also spoke to me because I hated school. I was being taught things I didn't want to learn and judged by universities on those subjects that I had no motivation to learn. All I want to learn is how to entertain, how to make other people laugh so becoming a video production major was the ideal choice. Not only will I be learning about the things I love (movies and television) but I can have a career where I love what I do (working for movies and television). I would disagree that these exercises make me a better person because the articles speak little of moral values and I already consider myself a rather personable and friendly guy. Being generous does speak true because I have befriended a lot of people in tv shows I work on and fellow stand up comedians and they have given me several opportunities to become better in the entertainment industry. I have beaten the lizard brain along time ago but it is good to have it reiterated to me so I don't forget my failures will lead me to future successes. It is good to hear from successful people on how they became successful because it is better to listen to winners than losers. Most of the people I know our losers, or haven't made it yet so professional opinions do go along way. The stories and examples the authors use in the articles we have read are extremely true and relevant to not only their point but my life.  I definitely support the continue use of these blog assignments for future 203 classes because they hit the hearts of many people I have talked to. This class has been not only my favorite but the most practical for my major and future.

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